This tools allow artists to easily organize their Unreal projects content folders using per-object type prefixes. It supports nearly all object types in vanilla Unreal Engine 5. This tools logic builds off the Maya Prefix/Suffix tool I created, but uses an entirely different API to integrate the logic with the engine.
This was my first Unreal Python project I’ve worked on and after doing so it might just be my last. Unreal’s Python functionality is powerful, but it is extremely difficult to find resources on. Coding itself was not difficult, but finding the right commands within the API was a challenge.
It seems that during the upgrade from UE4 -> UE5, much of the online resources were not updated to reflect the changes in the UE Python API. Much of the online resources I found came in the form of Epic Games employee’s Githubs. Aaron Carlile’s Github in particular helped a tremendous amount during the development of this tool.
There’s always challenges in learning new tools and APIs, especially if it is a hyper-specific one. I look forward to learning more, but next time hopefully alongside experienced individuals.
This tool is currently being used by Capstone teams at Champlain College to improve their file structure on their games.
Below is the created Usage Guide for the tool. If you are interested in using the tool or taking a peak at the code, just send me an email!